Today the ACT COVID Lockdown was extended until at least 2 September. This means that Canberra Quilters in-person activities continue to be suspended for the same period. So no use of the Canberra Quilters room for anything. Further information will be provided when it becomes available. Don’t forget to post images of your lockdown quilting… Continue reading ACT COVID Lockdown extended until 2 September
Category: CQ Administration
ACT COVID Lockdown- All CQ events cancelled until 19/8
The ACT will go into COVID lockdown at 5pm today (12 August), for 7 days. This means that ALL Canberra Quilters events are cancelled. This includes the Modern Group tonight, Art Quilters on Saturday, various friendship groups, Sit & Sew sessions and Wonderful Wednesday next week. Further information will be provided when it becomes available.… Continue reading ACT COVID Lockdown- All CQ events cancelled until 19/8
August Evening Meeting via Zoom- 6 August
We are again holding a Zoom meeting on Thursday evening, August 6th, see the details below. This meeting will be our resumed AGM, so we need to have as good an audience as we can manage. To join the meeting you will need to follow the link below and login using the password. We would… Continue reading August Evening Meeting via Zoom- 6 August
COVID-19 Safety Plan
CANBERRA QUILTERS COVID-19 SAFETY PLAN The purpose of this plan is to maintain the health of our members, many whom fall within the high risk category due to age or underlying health issues. The Canberra Quilters (CQ) Committee asks all members to comply with these steps to enable the room to remain open and for… Continue reading COVID-19 Safety Plan
June Issue of “Connecting Threads” is out
This morning members should have received the electronic version of the June 2020 issue of Connecting Threads. There is information about the shutdown and working in isolation, as well as columns from the usual contributors.
An update from the CQ President: COVID 19
The following message was sent via email earlier this evening. Apologies if you get it twice. COVID-19 AND CANBERRA QUILTERS In view of the most recent announcement of the Prime Minister, the Committee and I have sadly decided that all Canberra Quilters’ activities at Cook will be suspended for the time being. Regretfully the increasing… Continue reading An update from the CQ President: COVID 19
AGM results & committee vacancies
After the confirmation of the 2018 AGM Minutes, and reports by the President and Treasurer, the election of Officer Bearers was undertaken. The outcome was – President: Raylee Bielenberg Vice President: Helen Godden Treasurer: Elaine Jones Secretary: Cornelia Reppin Exhibition Coordinator: Julie Ricketts Membership Secretary: Helen Druett Librarian: Beth Clary Newsletter Editor: Patricia Butron Workshop… Continue reading AGM results & committee vacancies