The purpose of this plan is to maintain the health of our members, many whom fall within the high risk category due to age or underlying health issues. The Canberra Quilters (CQ) Committee asks all members to comply with these steps to enable the room to remain open and for members to meet.
This Plan will be subject to amendment as restrictions are lifted by the ACT Government to ensure that CQ continues to comply with relevant requirements.
The Committee has set the room capacity at 12.
In view of the limited number able to attend meetings, Friendly Friday and various special interest group meetings are suspended. Attendances at the room will be for sit and sew purposes only. Members are to bring all their own equipment as no borrowing or sharing of CQ or QFO equipment (including machines) will be permitted at this time.
Members are also required to bring their own cups, tea/coffee, milk and refreshments as no gathering/ socialising will be permitted at the kitchen end.
In the current climate, the Committee asks that members do not invite visitors to attend the room. This is to enable as many members as possible to participate.
Library – other than books being returned in the return box, no library will be conducted on sewing days. Library will be undertaken separately and managed under additional guidelines.
While in the room, members are to comply with ACT health requirements regarding social distancing (1.5 metres); hand washing and cough etiquette hygiene.
1) If a member feels ill in any way, that member is to stay home and not attend the room.
2) On arrival, a member will sanitise their hands. Some members may prefer to wash their hands in accordance with the hand washing protocol. Should a member leave the room for any reason, their hands are to be sanitised/washed on return.
The volunteer/coordinator will undertake the “signing in” process for the member and will confirm with the attendee they are feeling well prior to that member taking a place in the room. Should the member advise of any feeling of not being well, the coordinator will ask them to leave.
If the number of members wishing to attend exceeds the approved number, the coordinator/volunteer will be required to ask those members to wait outside if other members are departing, or ask the members to leave. A separate exit is to be used to room entry.
3) Prior to departure, each member will undertake the cleaning protocol mentioned below of the space they occupied. This will be done when the member departs for the day, whether it is during or at the end of a session.
4) On departure, the volunteer/coordinator will sign the member out. The member will leave by the designated exit door.
5) Good air circulation by opening a window (or door when possible) should be undertaken whenever practicable.
6) Room bookings will be limited to three (3) hour blocks to enable cleaning.
7) Members are to bring all their own sewing items to minimise any sharing. Members are to provide their own cups and refreshments including tea and coffee. Crockery, glasses, tea towels or cutlery currently housed at CQ are not to be used. At the end of the session, all members’ items brought into the room are to be removed.
8) The kitchen area is not to be used for socialising as the physical distancing space is limited at this end of the room. Irons and the pinning tables are set up here.
9) Communal use items (irons, pinning tables) are to be wiped down after use. Irons and pinning tables will need to be wiped after each use, whereas an ironing board would be wiped down at the end of the session.
10) At the end of the booking time, all tables (tops and edges), chairs (seat, back, edges and legs), sink, fridge door and handle, entry/exit doors and handles, are to be sprayed/wiped with the disinfectant/detergent mix provided, dried using paper towel that is then disposed of. There may be other items such as ladders; or the hook pol, if used, will also need to be wiped.
Switches and powerpoints that were touched should be wiped over. This extends to bin lid; blind pulls, zip heater handle; code boxes (and keys) and code pad at front door. Coordinators will no doubt deal with some of items as they are used.
(Note: Fabric of chairs and switches, etc., a damp paper towel should be used.)
Christine Stewart has volunteered to clean the floor once a week as pre requirements.
The coordinator/volunteer will empty the bin as required, before departing and locking the room.