Here is a message from Valerie, Exhibition Co-ordinator. Please take note of the dates and times towards the end of the message. Thank you all for your ongoing patience as we worked through the implications of COVID and the ongoing health directives over the last couple of months. The Exhibition sub committee had made quite… Continue reading Exhibition News
Category: Cook premises
ACT COVID Lockdown extended until 2 September
Today the ACT COVID Lockdown was extended until at least 2 September. This means that Canberra Quilters in-person activities continue to be suspended for the same period. So no use of the Canberra Quilters room for anything. Further information will be provided when it becomes available. Don’t forget to post images of your lockdown quilting… Continue reading ACT COVID Lockdown extended until 2 September
ACT COVID Lockdown- All CQ events cancelled until 19/8
The ACT will go into COVID lockdown at 5pm today (12 August), for 7 days. This means that ALL Canberra Quilters events are cancelled. This includes the Modern Group tonight, Art Quilters on Saturday, various friendship groups, Sit & Sew sessions and Wonderful Wednesday next week. Further information will be provided when it becomes available.… Continue reading ACT COVID Lockdown- All CQ events cancelled until 19/8
Drop-ins are back!
Now that we have settled in to a Covid safe routine we are planning to return to the old drop-in system instead of the Sit and Sew sessions. We will no longer ask you to book on-line for drop-ins, with the exception of the Rowmakers, which is often quite heavily patronised. A 24 person attendance… Continue reading Drop-ins are back!
Welcome 2021- Sit and Sews resume
Members – Welcome to 2021. We are still operating with COVIDSAFE restrictions, but the room has reopened for use. Check out the calendar for details. Membership renewals are due now. Membership runs for the calendar year and you need to renew early to be eligible for the AGM & entering the Annual Members’ Exhibition. Renew… Continue reading Welcome 2021- Sit and Sews resume
Library Day on Saturday 19 September
There’s is another library session on Saturday 19th Sept. 10.00-12.30 in the CQ room. Membership Secretary, Helen Druett, will also be there so that folks can renew their membership for 2021 There are new books available and the titles are listed in the latest two issues of Connecting Threads (June & September). Beth has increased… Continue reading Library Day on Saturday 19 September
Library Day on Saturday, 15 August
Another Library session is planned for the room this Saturday , 15 August (10am-2pm). Borrowing will be permitted – members will be asked to do this quickly as only a few members will be able to access the cupboards at any one time due to spacing restrictions. Returned books cannot be borrowed as they will… Continue reading Library Day on Saturday, 15 August
August Sit and Sew bookings
The dates for the Sit and Sew sessions for August are up on the Canberra Quilters website. You can make a booking by completing the form here. COVID 19 safety rules apply at these sessions.
COVID-19 Safety Plan
CANBERRA QUILTERS COVID-19 SAFETY PLAN The purpose of this plan is to maintain the health of our members, many whom fall within the high risk category due to age or underlying health issues. The Canberra Quilters (CQ) Committee asks all members to comply with these steps to enable the room to remain open and for… Continue reading COVID-19 Safety Plan
An update from the CQ President: COVID 19
The following message was sent via email earlier this evening. Apologies if you get it twice. COVID-19 AND CANBERRA QUILTERS In view of the most recent announcement of the Prime Minister, the Committee and I have sadly decided that all Canberra Quilters’ activities at Cook will be suspended for the time being. Regretfully the increasing… Continue reading An update from the CQ President: COVID 19