Here are some reminders about some dates for the rest of the year: Wonderful Wednesday on 3rd Wednesday December will be in our room as the hall is unavailable. Sit and Sew Bookings The online calendar for the next few months has been updated. The booking sheets for November 29th and December for Sit and… Continue reading Sit & Sew bookings & 2022 Membership
Tag: Sit & Sew
August Sit and Sew bookings
The dates for the Sit and Sew sessions for August are up on the Canberra Quilters website. You can make a booking by completing the form here. COVID 19 safety rules apply at these sessions.
COVID-19 Safety Plan
CANBERRA QUILTERS COVID-19 SAFETY PLAN The purpose of this plan is to maintain the health of our members, many whom fall within the high risk category due to age or underlying health issues. The Canberra Quilters (CQ) Committee asks all members to comply with these steps to enable the room to remain open and for… Continue reading COVID-19 Safety Plan