Now that we have settled in to a Covid safe routine we are planning to return to the old drop-in system instead of the Sit and Sew sessions. We will no longer ask you to book on-line for drop-ins, with the exception of the Rowmakers, which is often quite heavily patronised.
A 24 person attendance limit will still be enforced and we still ask you to sign in with contact details and also with the ACT Covid Safe app if you have a mobile phone. Please also continue to observe the safe distancing, hand sanitation and cleaning of tables afer a session. On-line bookings will continue for all 3 of the meetings, Thursday evening, Wonderful Wednesday and Friendly Friday and also for Rowmakers.
We will also be trialling a Saturday drop-in to be run by Cornelia Reppin and Katie Ley. This will be on the third Saturday of the month and will commence on June 19th.It will run from 10.00am to 3.00pm. The first session will be in combination with a library Saturday.