Our first face-to-face Thursday Evening meeting in the last six months is this week on Thursday, December 2nd. We are unable to use the hall at Templeton St, instead we will be meeting at the Church for the Holy Covenant, 89 Dexter Street, Cook. There is limited onsite parking. The hall will accommodate approximately 100 people and has its own public address system. Please arrive no earlier than 7.20PM. As at our usual site, CQ will need to place out chairs plus clean and stack chairs at end of meeting.
This Christmas meeting will have a Mystery Quilt Display – please bring yours if you participated. We will also have the Exhibition Presentation night and draw the 2021 Annual Raffle.
If you had a quilt in the Exhibition, and particularly if you have been notified that you have won an award, please bring you quilt to show.
If it will make you feel more comfortable, please bring a mask.
There is a booking sheet available on-line, feel free to book for friends who don’t have computer access. To book click here. If you are unable to book, please still come along.
We ask that members who want tea or coffee bring their own cups (similar to 45thcelebration). There will be a Lions Christmas cake which would be cut up and pieces on plates/serviettes passed to members through server to enable limited contact. We will supply tea/coffee and milk.
We will NOT be collecting donations of gifts, but we will be collecting cash donations for charity.
There will be an evening raffle, bu as we will not be on site at the Community Hub there will be no library access.
We will be running a Zoom meeting. If you are unable to attend in person, here are the details:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82122601571?pwd=UHF2SmZIVlQ2UitlSGFQa2lPcDRlUT09Meeting ID: 821 2260 1571
Passcode: 2911
Hi I’m unavailable as we now live in point Lonsdale Victoria sorry I NEVER got to say thank you very much and good by
May everyone have a wonderful Xmas and a happy new year
Paola Lawrence