The evening meeting is this Thursday, 1 March, 7pm for a 7.30pm start, in the Hall at the Cook Community Hub. The meeting starts with formal committee (and other) reports and news, followed by an activity.
This meeting includes the Annual General Meeting where reports are presented and the main committee is eleceted. You need to be a financial member to stand for the committee.
Membership Renewal- Don’t forget your membership fee was due on 1 January. Renew at the meeting. You need to be a member by 31 March in order to exhibit or sell at the Annual Exhibition in August.
Please bring something along for show & tell. We all like to see what everyone is working on.
All the usual meeting fun – lucky door prize, badge draw, raffle and regular show and tell. Don’t forget to stay and chat over a cuppa and check out the show and tell.
Library will be open at this meeting.
(Image in banner is this year’s Best of Show, Iggy, by Bronwyn Hill. Image by Janet Cruise.)