From the June CQ Bulletin:
We are continuing with preparation for our annual exhibition, the current dates are:
- Exhibition: 10th – 13th September 2020
- Entries close: Friday 17th July
- Delivery Day: Saturday August 29th
- Photography day: Sunday August 30th
- Judging Day: Saturday September 5th
- Exhibition space and Sales room set up: afternoon of Tuesday September 8th
- Quilt hanging day: Wednesday September 9th
- Exhibition opens: Thursday September 10th
These dates are of course still open to change with changing circumstances but we will have decided we should open entries on June 5th. At this stage we are NOT asking you to pay the entry fee, for this year only we will be collecting the entry fee on August 29th at quilt delivery day. This means that if the exhibition has to be cancelled or postponed again we will not have to re-imburse all the entry fees. On-line entry will be available here: Exhibition Entry This year it is ppossible to save a partial entry and return to complete it later, although it must be completed by the closing date of 17 July. If you have any problems with the on-line entry please contact Janet Cruise on or by ringing 0422 086 209.