A Life Member is someone who has rendered outstanding service to Canberra Quilters. To gain this honour the Committee nominates a member and takes this nomination to the AGM for members to pass the resolution.
There are currently twelve Honorary Life Members.
The first two members were founding members of the group and were bestowed the honour in the first year of Incorporation:
Margaret Rolfe – 1983 Wendy Saclier – 1983
When Canberra Quilters celebrated their 30th birthday the Committee recognised four members who had served the organisation in exceptional ways.
Margaret Barclay – 2006 Nerida Barges – 2006
Iris Hockley – 2006 Beryl Hodges – 2006
In 2010 the Committee acknowledged another member who consistently displayed wonderful service to Canberra Quilters in many, many ways.
Elizabeth Rose – 2010
The following two members were recognised for their efforts in finding a “Home” for Canberra Quilters at the Cook Community Hub and their ongoing involvement in many aspects of the organisation.
Jocelyn Green – 2012 Helen Rose – 2012
In 2016 the membership recognised another member who has actively participated and consistently displayed dedication, serving Canberra Quilters in many ways including two terms as President.
Barbara Goddard – 2016
In 2018 the membership recognised another member who has actively participated and consistently displayed dedication, serving Canberra Quilters in many ways with her organisational skills and tireless volunteering.
Christine Stewart – 2018
In 2021 the membership recognised another member who has actively participated and consistently displayed dedication, serving Canberra Quilters in many ways with her organisational skills and tireless volunteering.
Cornelia Reppin – 2021
All of these members continue to promote patchwork and quilting in many ways and are active members within Canberra Quilters. We congratulate each of them on being awarded this honour.