Small Japanese Projects – 23 November


The next meeting of the Small Japanese Projects group is this Wednesday, 23 November, from 10am until 12 noon. It is followed by a drop-in until 4pm, incorporating the Lucy Boston interest group.

As always, bring something for show and tell – something that you have bought, or made, or you are working on.

Yvonne will be leading a mini workshop making a daffodil gathered purse. Here are the requirements (there is some work to do prior to the meeting!):

  • Cut 2 triangles of contrasting fabric, each side of the triangle measuring 8″.
  • To get the triangle, measure a horizontal line 8″ long, each end being A and B, line up a ruler using the 30 degree angle line with B and rule upwards for 8″ (this gives you a 60 degree angle) the end of this line being C.  Rule a line from C to A.  This completes your triangle.  Machine 1/4″ seam around all edges leaving an opening for turning inside out.
  • This is along the same lines as what we did with Karen’s small bag a short time ago.
  • You will also need 16″ of cording or ribbon and 2 beads.


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