Cook Management: Guidelines for Booking Our Room
- Our room is available for use by as many members as possible. A group activity may take precedence over an individual activity such as using the pinning tables.
- Our room is only available for patchwork and quilting activities.
- Only financial members of Canberra Quilters may book and use the room at Cook.
- An accredited trained Cook volunteer must be available to open and close our room for the member making the booking. If the member making a booking is not trained in Canberra Quilters access procedures, assistance may be provided by the Room Bookings Coordinator who may assist in locating an accredited trained Cook volunteer. This volunteer does not need to be present for the duration of the activity.
- When making a booking, a member must fit in with the permanent bookings already in place. However, there may be times when this is not feasible. There may be occasions when the facilities of the room are required to be shared with other members or groups. For key CQ activities, an order of precedence is listed below, i.e. if a group higher on the list needs to make a booking, they have precedence over someone lower on the list:
- Precedence order:
- Committee
- Workshops organised by CQ
- CQ regularly scheduled meetings , e.g. Friendly Fridays
- CQ Sub-Committees, e.g. QFO, Exhibition, Cook Management
- Special Interest Groups/Scheduled Drop-Ins
- Community activities organised by CQ
- Ad hoc use e.g. individual members using the pinning table, the design walls or friendship groups.
Negotiation may occur to change this order in specific instances in consultation with the Room Bookings Coordinator and/or Committee endorsement.
- Requests for use of our room by community groups or non-members will be treated on a case by case basis by the Committee.
Friendship Groups
- Friendship groups are welcome to use our room. The majority of members must be financial members of CQ, e.g. 3 out of 4, 3 out of 5.
- If a friendship group uses our room regularly, all should become members, unless there is a good reason e.g., an overseas visitor here for 3 months.
- Friendship group bookings, even if held regularly, are considered to be ad hoc.
How to Book Our Room
- Check the availability of our room by accessing the on-line calendar located on the CQ website or contacting the Room Bookings Coordinator via phone or email (
- If the time and date you want is already booked, try to find an alternative time slot. If this is not possible, contact the Room Bookings Coordinator who will facilitate the sharing of the room.
- The Room Bookings Coordinator will maintain an up-to-date record of room bookings and will amend the online and room calendars as required.
- If there appears to be a double booking then the Room Booking Coordinator’s records will prevail.
Using Our Room
It is the responsibility of all users to:
- be considerate of other members’ needs at all times.
- share with another group who may be using the space at the same time.
- treat all equipment with care and respect, and leave it clean and in working order –
- irons and ironing boards kept in the large store room are available for use.
- sewing machines are available for use and are kept in the cupboard behind the main entry door.
- other items in the store rooms are not for general use.
- notify the Cook Management Team* if there are problems with any of the equipment or with the room.
- leave the rooms clean and tidy with all crockery and equipment put away and floors swept. Please read the checklist on the notice board in our room for further details.
- ensure that the all windows are closed, blinds are down and the door is locked before leaving and the alarm is armed.
*A contact list is published on the last page of each issue of Connecting Threads. A contact list is also on the noticeboard in Cook.
You can also contact the Room Bookings Coordinator by email.