Our next Library day will be from 10.00 to 12.30 on Saturday 20 February 2021 , no booking required, but COVIDSafe rules apply. You can borrow up to 20 items, so there are plenty of opportunities to inspire you. Planning is underway to hold a library fundraiser at the evening meeting of 1 April. To this… Continue reading Library Day on Saturday, 20 February
Connecting the Blog
ROWmakers resumes in 2021
This week the ROWmakers design group resumed meeting, with COVIDSafe rules in place. Because we didn’t get much happening for our 10th year in 2020, the same ingredients and “rules” apply for 2021. At the first draw on Wednesday these were the ingredients drawn out- Yellow, Triangle, Music Group/Artist The next meeting is on Wednesday… Continue reading ROWmakers resumes in 2021
Library open at Evening Meeting: 4 February
Just another quick reminder that we are having our first meeting in the hall for 12 months this week on Thursday evening. We will have the library available, so come along, return your books and pick up some more inspiration. The library will be open before and after the meeting. COVIDSafe rules apply. You can… Continue reading Library open at Evening Meeting: 4 February
Face-to-face meetings return in February
The February e-bulletin came out this morning with the great news that face-to-face meetings return in February, within the COVIDSAFE rules. Here is an extract of the bulletin with all the details: Great news, we are returning to face to face meetings in February. Appropriate COVID safe precautions will be in force and of course our… Continue reading Face-to-face meetings return in February
Request for quilts to hang at Erindale Library
Elaine White is seeking Modern Quilts to hang at Erindale Library for the next exhibition there, from early February to early May. Quilts must have a hanging sleeve, with no side larger than 230 cm. A title, and a short paragraph about the quilt or its maker is also appreciated. Label preferred but not essential. Can you… Continue reading Request for quilts to hang at Erindale Library
Library Day & Membership Renewals: Saturday 16 January
Our next Library day will be from 10.00 to 12.30 on Saturday 16 January 2021 , no booking required. Our librarian, Beth, has some new books which will be available for loan. You can now borrow up to 20 items, so there are plenty of opportunities to inspire you. Our Membership Secretary, Helen, will be present… Continue reading Library Day & Membership Renewals: Saturday 16 January
Welcome 2021- Sit and Sews resume
Members – Welcome to 2021. We are still operating with COVIDSAFE restrictions, but the room has reopened for use. Check out the calendar for details. Membership renewals are due now. Membership runs for the calendar year and you need to renew early to be eligible for the AGM & entering the Annual Members’ Exhibition. Renew… Continue reading Welcome 2021- Sit and Sews resume
Saturday 12 December: Library Day, Membership, Blankets of Love
Our next Library day will be from 10.00 to 12.30 on Saturday 12th December , no booking required. Our librarian Beth has some new books which will be available for loan. You can now borrow up to 20 items, so there is plenty of opportunities to inspire you over the Christmas break. Our Membership Secretary,… Continue reading Saturday 12 December: Library Day, Membership, Blankets of Love
Library Day – Saturday, 14 November
Our next Library day will be from 10.00 to 12.30 on Saturday 14th November, no booking required. Our librarian Beth has some new books which will be available for loan. Our Membership Secretary, Helen, will be present at the library day if you prefer to renew your membership for 2021 in person. She will have… Continue reading Library Day – Saturday, 14 November
Library Day – 17 October
Our next Library day will be from 10.00 to 12.30 on Saturday 17th October, no booking required. Our librarian Beth has some new books which will be available for loan. Our Membership Secretary, Helen, will be present at the library day if you prefer to renew your membership for 2021 in person. Membership for 2021… Continue reading Library Day – 17 October