Every year Canberra Quilters has a quilt challenge theme category at the exhibition. For 2022 the theme chosen by the main committee is ‘One Colour Many Hues’.
Members can choose to respond to the theme any way they like in their quilt as long as it meets the size requirements of 70cm x 50cm, portrait or landscape orientation, with a 1cm tolerance.
You don’t have to take a photo to submit your quilt by the revised entry deadline of 6 May 2022. It needs to be completed by delivery day on 20 May 2022. The challenge quilts generally travel as a group to other quilt groups during the subsequent year.
You are invited to make a quilt in the challenge format, incorporating the idea of ‘One Colour Many Hues‘.
You might choose red as your colour and use fabrics that range from pale pink to deep burgundy. If you choose orange it may go from pale apricot to deep tan/ rust. Yellow – from pale lemon/ butter to deep gold. If you look at this year’s raffle quilt below you can see that components of the quilt meet the ‘One Colour Many Hues’ criteria. Look at those greens!
Have you hand-dyed a colour gradation? Here’s an opportunity to use it. Do you have a single colour ombré fabric? That offers many opportunities.
Wouldn’t it be great to see many different quilts made in response to the challenge? Let’s get sewing!
(Raffle quilt ‘Gravity’, design by Jaybird Quilts, made by Yvonne Williams, Wendy Hirst & Minka Schwabe, quilted by Monika McKinlay of MakeIT Quilted.)